- Try to pack all electronic equipment, like TVs and stereos, in their original boxes. Otherwise use bubble wrap to protect these items.
- Place any items you wish to take with you off to the side and inform all crew members to not pack them. These items could include things such as cable boxes, medication, or any other personal items you may want to be readily accessible once you are in your new home.
- Pack important and sentimental documents separately to be easily accessible—children’s health records, passports, family records, insurance information, and photo albums.
- Make sure you label your boxes for where you want them to go and not where they came from. For example, if something came from your basement, but you want it to go in the playroom, make sure you label “playroom” on the box so it ends up in the correct space from the get-go.
- Don’t pack with used boxes or boxes from the supermarket. You never know what little critter is hiding or if the box will be strong enough to support your possessions.