The winter season is nearing its end, and it’s finally time to begin enjoying the long-awaited spring weather once again! With the warm sunshine and flowers soon about to bud, there is nothing worse than coming back inside to a space that feels like it could use some freshening up! Below is a checklist of spring cleaning to-dos in each room of your home, but before we get to that, here are a few simple tips to help this process run smoothly.
Cleaning tips:
- Do a quick inventory check of your cleaning supplies before beginning your spring cleaning. If you find you’re out of certain items, make a list and head to the store.
- When you begin to clean, show up ready to work! Grab the necessary items that you’ll need for the task you’re about to take on. If you’re going to begin cleaning your washroom, grab some dishwashing gloves, a sponge and some elbow grease!
- It is easier to handle each task on its own, one room at a time. Jumping around the house from room to room allows for distraction and results in spending much more time cleaning than necessary.
- When you’re beginning to do a spring deep clean, remember that it is okay if not everything is completed at once. Spread your tasks out to avoid feeling overwhelmed or simply take breaks between rooms.
- During this time, gather up items that are unused and put them in either a donation bin or a storage spot for a garage sale.
Now on to the list. As mentioned, we’ve found that it’s more efficient to clean one room at a time so naturally, tasks are separated in this fashion. Of course, depending on where you live or if you reside in a house versus an apartment, the list may vary from person to person, but hopefully, it will serve as a good starting guide when you begin your spring cleaning!
If you have any spring cleaning tips we’d love to hear them! Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.