Spring is the season of new beginnings. It can be hard to appreciate if you’re stuck trying to sift through the accumulation of winter clutter.
Fortunately there are some easy techniques to help get a jumpstart on spring cleaning. The following steps will help get the house organized and allow you to enjoy the new season, clutter-free.
We recommend the following tips to get organized this spring:
- Organize Closets & sort out items no longer worn: If there is limited closet space, consider storing winter clothing in the attic, basement or garage. Wardrobe boxes offer excellent space for hanging coats, sweaters and snow pants. If your items haven’t been worn in a long time, then you are most likely not going to wear it again. An option here could be to donate or sell those items.
Once closets are organized, do the same in other storage areas like the attic or garage.
2. Think green: Organize recyclables by category – plastic, glass, aluminum, paper, cardboard, etc.
3. Care for hazardous materials. Toxic items such as paint, batteries, house cleaning products, automobile oils, pesticides, and fertilizers are dangerous to transport and should not be thrown away with nontoxic garbage. These items should be taken to specialized depots.
4. Concentrate on disinfecting spaces. Change air filters, rotate mattresses and vacuum under furniture.
Have you used any of these tips? How did it turn out? Let us know in the comments!