Guest Author: James Teixeira.
So you’ve finally made it into your new home. Everything is unloaded from the moving truck and you and your family are ready to get settled in. But doing this can be a bit more tricky than it seems. In this post, we give you some expert advice on what to do, and what to avoid, when trying to get cozy in your new abode.
If you had a long-distance move, paying a few visits to the new neighborhood may not have been possible. In this case, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the town and community as soon as possible. Reserve a few days after your move to spend with your family, finding the location of the closest grocery stores, restaurants, banks, shopping centers, gas stations, and other important hubs.
For the kids, be sure to search out playgrounds, kid’s clubs, parks, and of course, the best ice cream shop. Introduce yourself to the neighbors, and arrange play dates if any of them have children. Making friends early on will help your children adjust more easily.
Unpacking and Decorating
Don’t wait too long to unpack. It’s better to unpack right after your move, than try to do it when you’ve got to head back to work and take care of other important tasks. Attempting the latter may result in having boxes lying around your house for months! If you are planning to go with new decorative schemes and wall paint colors, get this done before the unpacking. Our interior design team is great at helping homeowners quickly get a stylish look for their new place.
Once you’re unpacked and you’ve got most things into place, try throwing a housewarming party. Invite your family and friends from your old neighborhood (if distance isn’t a problem), as well as neighbors and new friends. Having guests over and playing host will go a long way toward helping you and your family feel like you’re finally getting settled into your new home.
If your new home needs renovating and you didn’t have that taken care of before your move, we recommend waiting at least a couple of weeks before starting the renovation. You and your family need time to adapt to your new surroundings and get comfortable. Having a renovation team working daily in the house during this adjustment period can be a bit overwhelming.
However, we recommend not to wait too long. Prolonged postponement means having to live with inconvenient and unwanted features that can take away the pleasure of living in a new house.
Contact us today to learn more about how a renovation can improve your new home. Whether you want a minor facelift or a complete overhaul, our team has the skill and experience to deliver fantastic results.
Author Bio: James Teixeira
As operations manager, it is my duty to ensure that all aspects during the building phase are carried out on point and on budget and are of the highest level of quality. Not only does this require construction experience but also project management experience as dealing with multiple trades’ people can be challenging and time consuming. At the end of a project knowing that all parties delivered on what they said they would do makes my job rewarding and gratifying because I know my clients’ expectations were met and most often exceeded.