Summer is well known as the busiest moving season of the year. The kids are out of school, you’ve got some vacation time saved up – it works best for everyone. With the hot summer weather rolling in, it’s time to think about taking safety precautions when moving during summer heatwaves.
Here are some tips you should keep in mind when working outdoors in extreme heat.
Moving Tips for Summer Heatwave Safety
Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day. Keep a water bottle and keep filling it up with cool water, or have a case on hand for the busy times.
Always use sunscreen. You’ll be outside a lot during the move. You definitely don’t want to get a sunburn. Slather on that sunscreen and make sure to cover all your exposed skin. Don’t forget the back of your neck!
Wear a hat. Keeping the sun out of your face not only protects from sunburns, but it’s also important for your eye health.
Wear light colours. Light colours reflect sunlight and help keep you cool. If you can, also try wearing light weight clothes – summer heatwaves are not a time for jeans!
Take frequent breaks. Try to limit the amount of time you take part in strenuous activity. Moving is hard work, so it’s important to take a break every now and then.
Work in the shade. If it’s possible, try parking the moving truck in the shade, either underneath a tree or in the shadow of the house. This will help prevent overheating while moving boxes to the moving truck.
Take care of your pets. If Fido or Fluffy are coming along for moving day, make sure you provide them with lots of water. Put their food and water dish in a shaded area, or keep them inside an air-conditioned environment until the final moments of your move.