Last week hundreds of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® franchisees and managers gathered with the executive teams from the US, Canada, and the UK, in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO, for our Annual Meeting. This is our biggest event of the year where we get together to discuss the year that was, and the future of […]
10 tips for moving with a dog
Moving can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. So imagine how stressful it can be for your dog! With over 6,000,000 moves under our belt, we’ve learned a few things. Here are 10 tips from our experts on how to prepare your dog for the big move: 1) Have fun! Making the […]
How to Create Safe Winter Moving Conditions
Although we are a lot busier in the spring and summer, some people do need to move in the middle of winter. With all that ice and snow on the ground, moving day can sometimes end up being a wet and miserable experience. Not to mention the dangers of slipping and falling when carrying boxes […]
Prepare for the unexpected when you plan your home move
Moving all of your possessions from your current home to your next home involves a lot of organization. If there’s one thing our professional movers know, it’s to expect the unexpected. One of the best reasons to hire professional movers is that we do this every day. While many do-it-yourself moves go well, many others end up […]
The Grandma Rule, Rules!
The Grandma Rule® We all know the “golden rule.” To treat others the way you would like to be treated. We have our own version of that motto here at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® called “The Grandam Rule®.” It forms one of our main Core Values – “To treat everyone the way you would […]
High Five Friday: Dylan from Mississauga, ON
This week’s High Five Friday goes out to Dylan Thompson, from our Mississauga, Ontario location! We asked Omar Sleem, General Manager of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Mississauga, to tell us a bit about Dylan. Here’s what he had to say: “Dylan Thompson is the newest driver on the team. His punctuality and eagerness to make the […]
10 Tips to Make Moving More Kid-Friendly and Fun
Moving can be stressful for all of us, but it can be especially stressful for children. This type of huge change can be overwhelming for kids, but there are ways to make it easier for them. Here are 10 Moving Tips to help make moving easier on your kids It’s important to tell your kids […]
To Pack or Not To Pack, That Is the Question
Moving is a very personal thing and people who hire moving companies ask for varying levels of service. Take packing, for example. Some clients want to pack their own items, while others prefer a turnkey solution where the mover does it all. There are, of course, advantages to each approach, so it is important to […]
The Key To Choosing A Professional Mover Is- Do Your Research
With moving, like most things, a little homework in the beginning can save a lot of headaches later on. Your “stuff” is important to you. Professional movers do this every day, but this is YOUR stuff. You want movers who treat your furnishings and belongings that way. Let’s face it- most appliances and furniture can […]
How To Avoid A Winter Moving Disaster
Moving when ice and snow are in the daily forecast isn’t a popular choice for many Canadians. It’s cold and slippery; but with some extra safety precautions, winter moving also has many advantages. Moving last minute is not a problem if it’s during the winter months. When you move in the “off season” – […]